British & Irish Efforts to Prevent or Combat Pathogens

I often blog about the forest pest situation in the UK because its scientists provide lots of easily accessible information. This blog has new information on Britain and – I am pleased to add – on Ireland!

European ash trees alongside the Malham Cove path in Yorkshire; KA via geograph

UK Overview

British woodlands cover just 13% of total land area (just over one-third of the European average of 37%). Their value is increasingly recognized—especially their role in combating climate change through carbon sequestration, flood mitigation and urban cooling. Realization of these benefits is driving new policy to increase woodland cover. In 2019–2020, 13,700 ha of new woodland was created in the United Kingdom (Green et al. 2021). The U.K. government has pledged to plant 30,000 ha of broadleaf and coniferous woodland every year as part of its climate change mitigation strategy (Donald et al. 2021). One example, the ‘northern forest’ scheme, involves planting 50 million native trees over 25 years (Green et al. 2021).

Risks Associated with Conservation Plantings or Translocations

On-going conservation planting efforts plus these ambitious new plans prompted Donald et al. (2021) to assess risk that pathogens might be introduced into the environment as a result of putting native plants in natural habitats. The focus of their study is the planting of common juniper (Juniperus communis)in habitats throughout England, Scotland, and Wales.

Juniper killed by Phytophthora austrocedri; photo from British Forest Research

Juniper is one of three native conifers in the UK. It has been in decline for decades, which conservationists hope to reverse. Now, though, juniper populations are experiencing significant mortality from disease. In 2012, the causal agent was determined to be the non-native pathogen Phytophthora austrocedri. The presence of a single genotype in ~60 geographically separate locations across Scotland and England lends support to idea that the pathogen is being introduced to these sites through some human mechanism. Phytophthora austrocedri has not [yet] been detected in Northern Ireland.

British and European nurseries have contained many Phytophthora pathogens. Hence Donald et al. (2021) sought to determine whether the pathogen is being introduced through use of nursery stock in these well-intentioned plantings. (I have blogged about a similar problem in California restoration plantings.)

 The authors found that 19% of P. austrocedri detections are within 2 km of a known planting. The more frequently junipers were planted at a site, and the more cuttings planted during each planting effort, the higher the likelihood that nearby junipers would be infested by P. austrocedri. They conclude that transplanting material is a significant risk pathway for the introduction of disease. The key factor appeared to be the origin of the material. A higher percentage of stock at sites with P. austrocedri outbreaks for which data were available had been raised in a central location by the organization doing the planting or obtained from commercial nurseries. No P. austrocedri was detected in Wales. There, unlike in Scotland or England, the majority of plants were sourced from a commercial nursery that only grew juniper collected from Welsh populations and did not trade with other retailers.

Planting juniper has risen rapidly since the mid-1990s. The highest percentage of planting events co-occurring with disease outbreaks were conducted in 2000–2009. It is likely that there is a time lag between planting and disease detectability. If so, the even larger planting effort since 2010 probably will produce many more P. austrocedri outbreaks that will become visible in the future. And that might not be the end. Planting guidelines have been revised based on pathogen detection. However, the entities doing the planting have not changed their approach, especially regarding site selection.

Donald et al. (2021) also found serious data gaps in these programs beyond the health of propagules. They found:

1) very incomplete knowledge of which organizations are doing the planting;

2) poor attention to traceability of source material; and

3) very little follow-up  to check the success of planting projects.

The authors concluded that planting projects have had mixed success in restoring juniper populations. They called for changes in planting strategy to reduce the risks of pathogen introduction.

They also note that efforts to slow the spread of P. austrocedri – for which there is no treatment – are more expensive and less likely to succeed than measures aimed at ensuring that nurseries are free of Phytophthoras. California native plant nurseries have shown that nurseries can maintain Phytophthora-free stock.

Risk of Nursery-spread Pathogens & Willingness of UK Nurseries to Adopt BMPs

Great Britain has experienced an accelerating series of Phytophthora outbreaks and disease epidemics affecting British trees. Introductions detected just since early 2000s include P. ramorum, P. kernoviae, P. lateralis, P. austrocedri and P. pseudosyringae. In all the above cases, imported planting material either is confirmed or strongly implicated as the likely route of intro (Green et al. 2021).

To address this threat – and with massive planting projects proposed – in 2016 the British forest research entity initiated the multidisciplinary ”Phyto-threats” project. Its goal was to understand the drivers of rising Phytophthora infestations and opportunities for mitigating them. The project:

(i) examined Phytophthora distribution and diversity in different nursery management systems;

(ii) assessed the social and economic feasibility of a nursery accreditation programs to curb the risk; and

(iii) identified Phytophthora risks by modelling introduction, establishment and spread of species in relation to biological characteristics, environmental factors and trade flows.

The assessment of Phytophthora presence in nurseries involved collecting 3,624 water and root samples from 163 host genera growing in plant nurseries across the U.K. over a three-year period. Sampling was not random but targetted to facilities thought to harbor Phytophthora. About half of the samples tested positive. They identified 63 species of Phytophthora. Among the most commonly detected species are several that are considered pathogenic — P. cinnamomi, P. cryptogea/pseudocryptogea, P. syringae, P. cactorum, P. cambivora, P. plurivora and P. nicotianae. P. ramorum was found in 12 samples; P. lateralis and P. austrocedri were each found in 10 samples. Several Phytophthora species are potential new records for the U.K. (i.e., P. castanetorum, P. palmivora, P. pseudotsugae,P. tentaculata,P. terminalis, P. uliginosa).

They also saw evidence for Phytophthora root infections in newly arrived plants imported from the European Union.

Their finding raised question about whether Phytophthora can be transported in peat-free potting media, that is, coconut fiber or coir.

The widespread presence and the diversity of Phytophthora found in nurseries was linked to high-risk management practices. These included: careless disposal of culled plants, the near presence of trees along nursery boundaries, and, especially, open water sources. [These factors are essentially identical to infection-facilitating factors found by researchers in California, Oregon, and Washington State. See advisory issued by Oregon State University Extension.]

The project also assessed the feasibility of nursery accreditation programs. The authors consulted widely with nursery owners and customers and conducted a cost-benefit analysis. Regarding nursery practices, owners claimed they were already addressing issues related to water storage in enclosed tanks, clean/covered storage of growing media, installation of drains or free-draining gravel beds, raised benches, and tool disinfestation stations. Therefore the new analysis focused on seven other topics: water testing for pathogens; water treatment s; quarantine holding areas for imported plants; composting or incineration of culled plants; boot and vehicle washing stations; and purchase from only trusted or accredited UK suppliers.

The study found that nurseries would support an accreditation program. However, their support required that costs not be “prohibitive”, actions required not be “unreasonable”, the scheme provide a safety net; and that measures exist to deter non-compliance. Nursery staff wanted to see evidence of consumer demand – a willingness to drive farther to buy “clean” plants, or to pay higher prices for them. The cost-benefit analysis reached a worrying conclusion: nurseries would benefit financially from introducing best practices only when the program would prevent introduction of a wider range of pests and pathogens, not only Phytophthoras. Green et al. (2021) note that the overall net benefit to society from nurseries adopting best practices would be much more substantial. That is, healthy trees are important in meeting carbon sequestration goals. They did not explore whether society should subsidize nurseries’ participation in BMP accreditation programs.

Ireland and Northern Ireland

The island of Ireland (Ireland and Northern Ireland) is thought to have fewer plant pests than other European countries due to its island status and because of its national and international phytosanitary regulations. O’Hanlon et al. (2022) do not mention another possible factor: the likelihood that import volumes to Ireland were probably much lower until the recent vitalization of the Republic’s economy.

O’Hanlon et al. (2022) sought to establish baseline information so scientists can track changes as trade increases and the climate changes. Their search of the literature and unpublished sources identified 396 forest pests on the island, including 11 bacteria, 20 oomycetes, 150 fungi and 215 arthropods. They believe these figures are all probably underestimates. At least 44 of the pests or pathogens are probably non-native to Ireland. (Determining original ranges is difficult, especially for pathogens.)

The Republic of Ireland is one of the least forested countries in Europe. Forests cover ~ 11% of the land area. In Northern Ireland, it is even less: ~ 8%. These forests are predominantly plantations of exotic species. In the Republic, Picea sitchensis makes up 51% of the forest area, Pinus contorta another 10%. Other exotic species planted are Picea abies (4%) and Larix kaempferi. In Northern Ireland, ~ 62% of the forest area is composed of conifer mixtures. Planting of P. sitchensis has accelerated recently, probably as a result of removal of ash and larch because of their vulnerability to pests already established on the island.

Sitka spruce plantation in U.K. Adam Ward,

O’Hanlon et al. (2022) note the great vulnerability of these monocultures to pests. They found 51 pests native to Ireland that are associated with non-indigenous tree genera. They are also concerned about pests introduced from other parts of Europe. For example, green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum, native to Central and Eastern Europe) is already attacking Sitka spruce. A second pest of spruce, Ips typographus, which is native to much of Europe but not the British/Irish isles, is not yet established on the island. Northern Ireland imports bark and wood from Europe for processing. Ips typographus has been associated with at least one such shipment.

Non-native forest pests and pathogens also threaten tree species native to Ireland. These include:

Dutch elm disease caused by fungi from the genus Ophiostoma vectored by bark beetles of the genus Scolytus. The second outbreak, caused by the more aggressive pathogen 0. novo-ulmi, was detected in Britain in 1965 and in Ireland in 1977. It caused considerable mortality of elms in Northern Ireland throughout 1970s.

Phytophthora ramorum was recognized as a threat to forests in Europe only in 2010, when extensive mortality of Japanese larch was detected in Britain. The Republic of Ireland has only the EU1 lineage of the species. Northern Ireland has both the EU1 and EU2 lineages – the former only in nurseries.

Phytophthora disease of alder (caused by several Phytophthora species) was confirmed in Ireland in 2001. However, symptoms of the disease were noted as far back as 1995. It is likely that there are many other Phytophthora species present but not yet recorded.

Ash dieback disease (causal agent Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) on European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) has spread across Europe from Poland beginning in the 1990s. It was confirmed on the Irish island in 2012. Authorities made significant attempts to eradicate the disease, but were not successful. It is now recorded in every county in both Northern Ireland and Ireland. Damage to the economy, environment, and society are expected to be large. The Irish government had helped plant more than 13,000 ha of ash between 1992 and 2012. An estimated 2.9 million ash trees are in Northern Irish hedgerows. British scientists say more than 1,000 fauna species are associated with ash trees.

A second pest on ash — ash sawfly (Tomostethus nigritus) — was detected in Northern Ireland in 2016; it has defoliated hundreds of trees in Belfast.

In recent years, forest pest incursions have increased at a relatively steady rate, comparable to other countries, including Britain. In the 1970s, 26 species were reported; in the 1980s, 27; in the 1990s, 16; in the 2000s, 37; between 2010 and 2017, 28. See the graph in Fig. 2 

There is a strong link between pest and pathogen findings in Britain and Ireland. O’Hanlon et al. (2021) list 16 insects and pathogens detected in Britain after 1960 which were later detected in Ireland. The list includes H. fraxineus, 0. novo-ulmi, Phytophthora ramorum, and Phytophthora lateralis. The average delay was 10 years. The authors note that the two islands share similar ecological conditions and hosts, are nearby, plus there is substantial travel and exchange of goods between them. For example, in 2018 an estimated 30,000 metric tonnes of conifer roundwood was sent from Scotland to Northern Ireland for processing.

There are very limited physical checks on plants or plant products moving between Ireland and Northern Ireland. The exception is conifer wood that is not bark-free. European Union regulations require that such shipments be accompanied by a plant passport that certifies that the wood has been inspected by a professional operator authorized by the NPPO of the exporting country. What rules will apply now, after BREXIT, remains unclear. Because of concerns about re-igniting sectarian conflict, most political figures want the border on the island to be almost invisible.

The Europhyt database for the period February 2006 – November 2016 documented interception of numerous high-risk pests at the British and Irish borders, including Anoplophora chinensis and A. glabripennis; I. typographus; Monochamus alternatus; H. fraxineus; and P. ramorum O’Hanlon et al. (2021). believe many more go undetected. O’Hanlon et al. (2021) report specifically on detections on commodities from China, especially on wood packaging. One detection on imported plants of interest to me is that of Discula destructiva (dogwood anthracnose). The article does not mention the origin of the shipment. The native British dogwood, Cornus sanguinea, would presumably be vulnerable to this Asian fungus, which has already caused widespread mortality of woodland dogwoods in North America.

Cornus sanguinea; photo by Hans Hillewaert

In addition to reviewing the current situation, O’Hanlon et al. (2021) note pertinent facts about current policy and future science. First, while the two political units on the island have a history of plant pathology expertise, there has recently been a reduction in the number of practicing forest pathologists, mycologists and entomologists. (I and others have complained about the same deterioration in expertise in the United States.)

Second, they describe the years of delay before official recognition that the pathogen Gremmeniella abietina was present in Northern Ireland. This delay resulted from officials refused to accept data from molecular detection tools.

O’Hanlon et al. (2021) add their voice to others criticizing the international phytosanitary system (they cite six major publications: Brasier 2008; Liebhold el. al. 2012; Santini et al. 2012; Eschen et al. 2015; Jung et al. 2016; Meurisse et al. 2019). The failures are (i) visual inspections can miss asymptomatic infections, (ii) limited resources mean only a small proportion of commodities can be inspected, (iii) allowing the use of fungicides masks disease symptoms on plants, (iv) list-based regulations don’t address undescribed organisms and (v) countries vary in how aggressively they carry out the required phytosanitary procedures. O’Hanlon et al. (2021) conclude that “Until these issues are addressed it is likely further increases in the numbers of non-native pests and pathogens of trees will increase.”

The authors note that Eschen et al. (2018) suggested that risk analysis should focus on the commodity (commodity risk assessment) rather than on an individual pest. I have made a similar suggestion, although less clearly worded.  

Finally, O’Hanlon et al. (2021) note that climate change is expected to increase the island’s vulnerability to tree-killing pests and pathogens due to fewer frost days, more rain in winter, increased chance of drought in summer, increased average annual temperatures, and more frequent weather extremes. These changes are likely to affect the amount of damage caused by both native and introduced pests organisms.  Range shifts in both pests and pathogens and their natural enemies; physiological or behavioral responses in the pests; phenological changes in the hosts; and increased stress on the trees will combine to affect damage.


Donald, F.; Purse, B.V.; Green, S. 2021. Investigating the Role of Restoration Plantings in Introducing Disease—A Case Study Using Phytophthora [UK] Forests 2021, 12, 764

Green, S., D.E.L. Cooke, M. Dunn, L. Barwell, B. Purse, D.S. Chapman, G. Valatin, A. Schlenzig, J. Barbrook, T. Pettitt, C. Price, A. Pérez-Sierra, D. Frederickson-Matika, L. Pritchard, P. Thorpe, P.J.A. Cock, E. Randall, B. Keillor and M. Marzano. 2021. PHYTO-THREATS: Addressing Threats to UK Forests and Woodlands from Phytophthora; Identifying Risks of Spread in Trade and Methods for Mitigation. Forests 2021, 12, 1617ý

O’Hanlon, R., Ryan, C., Choiseul, J., Murchie, A.K. and Williams, C. D. 2021 Catalogue of P&P of trees on the island of Ireland. Biology and Enviro

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 2021. Vol. 121, No. 1.12-45 DOI: 10.3318/ BIOE.2021.02

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at

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