Invasive Plant Species: Good News, Bad News — including on the News

garlic mustard – a widespread invasive plant in forests of the Northeast and Midwest; photo by Chris Evans, University of Illinois; via Bugwood

This blog summarizes important new research on invasive plant species. You’ll find a USFS update on the spread of invasive plants in regional forests. The second paper used a new funding source to assess the impacts of removing invasive shrub honeysuckles on forest canopies – and to begin restoration. The third paper uses Google searches to study news coverage of plant invaders (spoiler alert: it’s poor). I welcome the attention!

A. Update on Invasive Plants in the Northeast: 44 Species, in 24 States, on Forested Land

The USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station (NRS) continues to publish lots of studies of invasive plants in the forests of the Northeast and Midwest. Kurtz (see USDA citation at end of blog) summarizes data on the extent and intensity of plant invasions collected by the USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. Since 2012, scientists have compiled data on 44 invasive species on forested land.  Crews recorded these plants’ presence on 6,361 plots in 2014 and 4,244 in 2019. [The species surveyed are listed in Table 2 of the publication.]

1. Presence —

Overall, the number of forested plots on which one or more of the 44 monitored invasive species occurs rose from 52% in 2014 to 55% in 2019. Eighteen of the 24 states in the region experienced an increase in the percentage of plots with invasive plants. The number of invasive plants per plot also increased.

The plots with the greatest number of these invasive plants are Ohio (98%), Indiana (97%), North Dakota (93%), and Illinois and Iowa (92% each). The North Dakota data bear a high uncertainty because only 15 plots were surveyed in 2019. The states with the lowest number of invaded plots are New Hampshire (16%) and Vermont (22%). South Dakota also ranks near the bottom with 38% of plots invaded.

A different picture emerges when considering the number of invasive plants per plot. States ranking highest on this criterion were Pennsylvania (13 species on at least one plot) and Illinois (11 species on at least one plot).  (See map in USDA publication from References) Plots with five to eight species appear in a band from the Ohio/West Virginia border, across western Maryland and western and eastern Pennsylvania, and into western New York and western Massachusetts. Note the apparent abse nce of invasive plants in the Adirondacks!

2. Species

Of the 44 species monitored, 41 species were observed on plots during these surveys. Two of the three species not found — punktree/Melaleuca and Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera) – grow in the deep South so I am not surprised by their absence. The third – Bohemian knotweed (Polygonum xbohemicum) is invasive in colder climates, e.g., Washington State. Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) is the most common species – again, not surprising since it was long planted deliberately to provide food for wildlife. Three species were observed in one but not both inventories: Chinaberry (Melia azedarach) was only found in 2014; saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) and European swallow-wort (Cynanchum rossicum) were found only in 2019.

Amur honeysuckle; photo by pverdunk via Flickr

Most of the 44 plant species increased their presence as measured by the proportion of plots on which they were observed (see Table 2). Among these, Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) increased by 5.38%; garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) by 3.21%; Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) by 2.95%; and bush honeysuckles (Lonicera species.) by 2.77%. Twelve species decreased – all by less than one percent.

3. One of the Worst: Amur Honeysuckle

Amur honeysuckle is one of most actively spreading invasive plant in the entire region – especially in urban forests. The proportion of plots invaded by this species rose from half a percent to six percent between 2014 and 2019. Amur honeysuckle dominates due to competitive growth, allelopathy (producing a biochemical that impedes the germination, growth, and survival of other plants), and its ability to resprout after cutting. The presence of honeysuckle negatively affects native plant communities. It suppresses plant recruitment, homogenizes forest communities, and alters ecosystem processes. It also shapes the canopy structure by affecting the growth and composition of overstory trees, as well as the amount of leaf material (Fotis et al.).

The riparian areas which Amur honeysuckle often invades provide numerous ecosystem services. These include filtering nutrients, preventing soil erosion, filtering sediment from runoff, offering shade and wildlife habitat, and reducing the likelihood of floods to croplands and downstream communities (Fotis et al.).

B. Managing Honeysuckle, Restoring Riparian Forests

Forest managers in central Ohio, near Columbus, have begun a significant restoration experiment to improve the resilience and function of disturbed riparian forests. Fotis and colleagues took advantage of this to track and characterize the immediate, short-term, and long-term impacts of removing Amur honeysuckle on forest canopies. They used new technology: portable canopy imaging, detection, and ranging (LiDAR).

Fotis et al. found that

  • Honeysuckle presence had a stronger influence on tree species diversity than on the size or number of trees.
  • Removing honeysuckle from areas where its abundance is high and native tree density is low promoted native tree growth (e.g., the height of tallest trees) and increases in the tree canopy’s structural complexity for up to 10 years.
  • Honeysuckle removal, followed by treating honeysuckle stumps with herbicides to prevent resprouting, is key for establishing a healthy restored riparian forest.
  • Planting a diverse suite of native species to fill different ecological niches helps create more resilient forest systems.
  • Forest recovery began within two years of honeysuckle removal.

At some sites, the researchers planted a variety of woody plants, including understory shrubs and mid- and full-canopy trees, after removing the honeysuckle. The article did not discuss the results.

giant hogweed; photo by NY State DEC fia Flickr

C. Poor Media Coverage of Invasive Plants Undermines Management Efforts

Woodworth et al. (full citation at end of blog) studied how media coverage of invasive plants interacts with low public interest, which the authors claim hampers management efforts and efficacy.

Woodworth et al. note that strong public awareness of urgent environmental issues is linked to the development of new public policy. However, public awareness of invasive species is low despite their causing high monetary costs and significant damage to the environment and human health.

The authors recognize the public generally has a low level of “plant awareness”. They argue that some plants are “charismatic” in one way or another, e.g., some form widespread and conspicuous monocultures; some are attractive and sold in the ornamental trade; and some are harmful to people by producing allergens or bearing thorns/spines/prickles. Such plants often attract more attention.

They asked four questions: Is public interest in these invasive plant species driven by (1) their abundance? (2) their traits? (3) the quantity and sentiment of news articles written about them? Finally, (4) How do these factors combine to drive interest – or lack thereof! – in invasive plant species?

1. Searching for Answers

Woodworth et al. analyzed data on Google searches (in Google Trends) for 209 plant species, 2010 – 2020. The searches revealed whether members of the public sought information about invasive plants, whether news media covered invasive plant issues, whether such coverage had a positive or negative slant, and whether it affected public awareness and attitudes toward invasive plants.

They found that public search interest was highest for the species that are most abundant at both national and state levels. Plant abundance was the second strongest predictor of Google search interest. Also, the more widespread the invader, the more articles were published and the more negative the terms used to describe it. For some species, high search interest was limited to the locations where the plant occurs. An example is garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata). For other species, there was high search interest across the US although the plant occurs only in some localities. This was true, for example, for giant hog-weed (Heracleum mantegazzianum).

In a related finding, plant species posing a risk to human health ranked high in Google searches. These include giant hogweed (which causes serious skin rashes), allergen-producing grasses, plants that harbor ticks, and those that contribute to fires in the West like cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). Regarding ticks, they cite multiflora rose but not barberry (Berberis spp). These results suggest to the authors that public interest in invasive plants is motivated primarily by the likelihood of encountering these species, with direct consequences for health and well-being. These concerns can be amplified by the media. The authors suggest that articles spelling out health risks of invasive plants might increase public support for wider management efforts.

cheatgrass invasion of BLM lands in SW Idaho; photo by Thane Tuoson via Flickr

The greater the number of articles published about a species, the more frequently readers utilized Google to search for information. Woodworth et al. suggest that more attention by the media translates to more public interest. They caution, however, that there are two other possible explanations. First, more searches might drive science journalists [I add: or newspaper editors!] to write more articles on species already known to be of interest to the public. Or, search and media interest might be unrelated to each other, but driven by the same external factors, such as a recent fire. In other words, journalists and the general public might be interested in the same aspects of invasive plants.

2. Which Invaders Got Attention

The media and public focus on only some invasive plants. Media articles discussed only 175 (84%) of the 209 species included in the study. More than 50% of news articles were written about only 10 species (5% of all the species); 80% on just the top 25 species. Public interest was even narrower. No one searched for information on 60 of the species (29%) over the 10-year period.

The authors – and I – are distressed that invasive plants that are sold as ornamentals were both written about and searched for less than invasive plants that are not so marketed. Worse, articles about the ornamental species had a more positive tone than articles about non-marketed invasives.

English ivy (Hedera helix) – an invasive plant widely used in horticulture; Washington State Weed Control Board

Finally, they found that species that form monocultures did not garner more media attention, more negative coverage, or search interest. Their example is Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum), which they describe as being a problematic and prolific invader of eastern forest understories. There are exceptions to this finding: common reed Phragmites and kudzu. I note that these species are very noticeable, and thus “charismatic.” The former is a large plant and masses along roadsides and in open habitats. Kudzu has been notorious for decades as the “vine that ate the South”.

Woodworth et al. concluded that the media’s narrow focus  on “notorious” invasive plant species, when combined with the lower and more positive coverage of ornamental introductions, could send mixed messages and weaken public awareness of their threats. The authors believe, however, that there is ample opportunity to improve messaging and increase public awareness. This requires more media coverage and a greater focus on invasive plants’ negative impacts.  One potentially “sticky” message is about “loss of control.”  


Fotis, A., Flower, C.E.; Atkins, J.W. Pinchot, C.C., Rodewald, A.D., Matthews, S. 2022. The short-term and long-term effects of honeysuckle removal on canopy structure and implications for urban forest management. Forest Ecology and Management. 517(6): 120251. 10 p. .

USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station Rooted in Research ISSUE 18 | SEPTEMBER 2023

Kurtz, C.M. 2023. An assessment of invasive plant species in northern U.S. forests. Res. Note NRS-311.

Woodworth, E. A. Tian, K. Blair, J. Pullen, J.S. Lefcheck and J.D. Parker. 2023.  Media myopia distorts public interest in US invasive plants. Biol Invasions (2023) 25:3193–3205

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at


Bug Apocalypse Update

Aedes aegypti photo by James Gathany via Flickr

In October 2018 I posted a blog on the decline of global insect numbers and biodiversity.

This month a Washington Post columnist, Michael J. Corin, published a piece decrying people’s use of “bug zappers” [full citation at end of this blog] in an effort to prevent biting insects from ruining their evenings.

After quoting some of the manufacturers’ advertising claims, Corin point to the scientific consensus that these zappers don’t kill mosquitoes. In some studies, the zappers killed tens of thousands of insects, but far fewer than 1% were mosquitoes. A study by Iowa State University (citation at end of blog) that estimated even a fraction of the bug zappers sold in the United States kill more than 70 billion insects annually.

Corin even says, “bug zappers make it more likely you’ll be bitten by mosquitoes while sitting in your backyard.” Any mosquitoes drawn to the vicinity of a bug zapper will redirect their attention to the proximal warmblooded mammals — usually humans.

This information is important to us because bug zappers are exceptional killers of (other) insects. Corin cites a study by the University of Delaware (Frick and Tallamy, full citation below) in which the zappers caught nearly 14,000 insects over a summer. Roughly half the catch — 6,670 insects — were harmless aquatic species from nearby rivers and streams, fish food in the aquatic food chain. Many of the others were parasitic wasps and beetles that naturally prey on mosquitoes.

caddisfly (one of groups often killed by bug zappers, according to Doug Tallamy) photo by Anita Gould via Flickr

So, these traps are exacerbating the “insect apocalypse” and undermining biocontrol programs!

These studies were published in the middle-1990s – nearly 30 years ago. Dr. Douglas Tallamy of the University of Delaware told me that there are now traps that use baits (octanol and CO2). Carbon dioxide and octenol (a derivative of mammalian body odor) are known to attract biting insects, including mosquitoes. However, these traps cost up to $500 and do not sell well. The standard zapper still only catches non-targets.

A study by Kim et al. found that neither the Stinger Electric Zapper nor the Mosquito Deleto works effectively.  

Apparently most bug zappers are not working as advertised. Why, then, are they still marketed using false claims? The Federal Trade Commission is supposed to investigate misleading advertising claims and take legal action against manufacturers who don’t correct them. Corin says the agency suggested to him that the public should submit any complaints through the agency’s website.

Should we not provide information to the FTC and urge them to take action? Do you have information – or access to research capabilities – to support such an effort?

Corin provides the usual advice to minimize mosquitoes around your house:

1) eliminate standing water – in which mosquitoes breed. Or install a “Bucket of Doom” (a design developed by the Centers for Disease Control). Fill a 5-gallon bucket with water and add leaf litter or straw.Mosquitoes love to lay eggs here. Add granules of Bacillus thuringiensis to kill the mosquito larvae. Some commercial versions are Ovi-Catch AGO trap sold by Catchmaster or the “GAT” trap sold by Biogents.  

2) wear long sleeves and pants. Add repellent – especially those containing DEET.

3) Turn on a fan to create a steady breeze.


Coren, M.J. 2023. Trying to kill mosquitoes? Don’t buy a bug zapper. The Washington Post. September 14, 2023.

Frick, T.B. and D.W. Tallamy. 1996. Density and Diversity of Nontarget Insects Killed by Suburban Electric Insect Traps.  Ent. News Vol 107, No. 2, March & April 1996

Kim, J. et al. 2002. A study comparing efficiency of insect capture between Stinger electric zapper and Mosquito-deleto at varying locations and heights in northern Michigan.

Lewis, D. 1996. Bug Zappers are Harmful, Not Helpful. Iowa State University Extension. Bug Zappers are Harmful, Not Helpful | Horticulture and Home Pest News (

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at


USFS Lays Out Incomplete Picture of the Future

tanoak trees in southern Oregon killed by sudden oak death; photo by Oregon Department of Forestry; this pathogen is not mentioned by USFS RPA report

In August the USDA Forest Service published the agency’s 2020 assessment of the future of America’s forests under the auspices of the Resources Planning Act. [See United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Future of America’s Forests and Rangelands, full citation at the end of the blog.] To my amazement, this report is the first in the series (which are published every ten years) to address disturbance agents, specifically invasive species. In 2023! Worse, I think its coverage of the threat does not reflect the true state of affairs – as documented by Forest Service scientists among others.

This is most unfortunate because policy-makers presumably rely on this report when considering which threats to focus on.

Here I discuss some of the USFS RPA report and what other authors say about the same topics.

The RPA Report’s Principle Foci: Extent of the Forest and Carbon Sequestration

The USFS RPA report informs us that America’s forested area will probably decrease 1- 2% over the next 50 years (from 635.3 million acres to between 619 and 627 million acres), due largely to conversion to other uses. This decline in extent, plus trees’ aging and increases in disturbance will result in a slow-down in carbon sequestration by forests. In fact, if demand for wood products is high, or land conversion to other uses proceeds apace, U.S. forest ecosystems are projected to become a net source of atmospheric CO2 by 2070.

Eastern forests sequester the majority of U.S. forest carbon stocks. These forests are expected to continue aging – thereby increasing their carbon storage. Yet we know that these forests have suffered the greatest impact from non-native pests.

I don’t understand why the USFS RPA report does not explicitly address the implications of non-native pests. In 2019, Songlin Fei and three USFS research scientists did address this topic. Fei et al. estimated that tree mortality due to the 15 most damaging introduced pest species have resulted in releases of an additional 5.53 terragrams of carbon per year. Fei and colleagues conceded this is probably an underestimate. They say that annual levels of biomass loss are virtually certain to increase because current pests are still spreading to new host ranges (as demonstrated by detection of the emerald ash borer in Oregon). Also, infestations in already-invaded ranges will intensify, and additional pests will be introduced (for example, beech leaf disease).

I see this importance of eastern forests in sequestering carbon as one more reason to expand efforts to protect them from new pest introductions, and the spread of those already in the country, etc.

A second issue is the role of non-native tree species in supporting the structure and ecological functions of forests. Ariel Lugo and colleagues report that 18.8 million acres (7.6 million ha, or 2.8% of the forest area in the continental U.S.) is occupied by non-native tree species. (I know of no overall estimate for all invasive plants.) They found that non-native tree species constitute 12–23% (!) of the basal area of those forest stands in which they occur.

Norway maple (Acer platanoides); one of the most widespread invasive species in the East. Photo by Hermann Falkner via Flickr

Lugo and colleagues confine their analysis of ecosystem impacts to carbon sequestration. They found that the contribution of non-native trees to carbon storage is not significant at the national level. In the forests of the continental states (lower 48 states), these trees provide 10% of the total carbon storage in the forest plots where they occur. (While Lugo and colleagues state that the proportion of live tree biomass made up of non-native tree species varies greatly among ecological subregions, they do not provide examples of areas on the continent where their biomass – and contribution to carbon storage — is greater than this average.) In contrast, on Hawai`i, non-native tree species provide an estimated 29% of live tree carbon storage. On Puerto Rico, they provide an even higher proportion: 36%.

Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) – widespread invasive in Hawai`i and Florida; early stage invasive in Puerto Rico. Photo by Javier Alexandro via Flickr

In the future, non-native trees will play an even bigger role. Since tree invasions on the continent are expanding at ~500,000 acres (202,343 ha) per year, it is not surprising that non-native species’ saplings provide 19% of the total carbon storage for that size of trees in the lower 48 states (Lugo et al.).

Forming a More Complete Picture: Biodiversity, Disturbance, and Combining Data.

The USFS RPA report has a chapter on biodiversity. However, the chapter does not discuss historic or future diversity of tree species within biomes, nor the genetic diversity within tree species.

Treatment of Invasive Species

The USFS 2020 RPA report is the first to include a chapter on disturbance, including invasive species. I applaud its inclusion while wondering why they have included it only now? Why is the coverage so minimal? I think these lapses undercut the report’s purpose. The RPA is supposed to inform decision-makers and stakeholders about the status, trends, and projected future of renewable natural resources and related economic sectors for which USFS has management responsibilities. These include: forests, forest products, rangelands, water, biological diversity, and outdoor recreation. The report also has not met its claim to “capitalize on” areas where the USFS has research capacity. One excuse might be that several important publications have appeared after the cut-off date for the assessment (2020). Still, the report’s authors cite some of the evaluations that were in preparation as of 2020, e.g., Poland et al.

I suggest also that it would be helpful to integrate data from other agencies, especially the invasive species database compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey, into the RPA. For example, the USGS lists just over 4,000 non-native plant species in the continental U.S. (defined as the lower 48 plus Alaska). On Hawai`i, the USGS lists 530 non-native plant species as widespread. Caveat: many of the species included in these lists probably coexist with the native plants and make up minor components of the plant community.

Specifically: Invading Plants

The USFS RPA report gives much more attention to invasive plants than non-native insects and pathogens. The report relies on the findings of Oswalt et al., who based their data on forested plots sampled by the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. (The RPA also reports on invasive plants detected on rangelands, primarily grasslands.) Oswalt et al. found that 39% of FIA plots nationwide contained at least one plant species that the FIA protocol considers to be invasive and monitors. The highest intensity of plant invasions is in Hawai`i – 70% of the plots are invaded. The second-greatest intensity is in the eastern forests: 46%. However, the map showing which plots were inventoried for invasive plants makes clear how incomplete these data are – a situation I had not realized previously.

I appreciate that the USFS RPA report mentions that propagule pressure is an important factor in plant invasions. This aspect has often been left out in past analyses. I also appreciate the statement that international trade in plants for ornamental horticulture will probably lead to additional introductions in the future. Third, I concur with the report’s conclusions that once forest land is invaded, it is unlikely to become un-invaded. Invasive plant management in forests often results in one non-native species being replaced by another. In sum, the report envisions a future in which plant invasion rates are likely to increase on forest land.

If you wish to learn more about invasive plant presence and impacts, see the discussion of invasive plants in Poland et al., my blogs based on the work by Doug Tallamy, and several other of my blogs compiled under the category “invasive plants” on this website.

I believe all sources expect that the area invaded by non-native plant species, and the intensity of existing invasions, will increase in the future.

The USFS RPA links these invasions to expansion of the “wildland-urban interface” (“WUI”). These areas increased rapidly before 2010. At that time, they occupied 14% of forest land. The report published in 2023 did not assess their future expansion over the period 2020 to 2070. However, it did project increased fragmentation in many regions, especially in the RPA Western and Southeastern regions. Since “fragmentation” is very similar to wildland-urban interfaces, the report seems implicitly to project more widespread plant invasions in the future.

plant invasions facilitated by fragmentation; northern Virginia; photo by F.T. Campbell

Specifically: Insects and Pathogens

The USFS RPA report on insects and pathogens is brief and contains puzzling errors and gaps. It says that the tree canopy area affected by both native and non-native mortality-causing agents has been consistently large over the three most recent five-year FIA assessment periods. It notes that individual insects or diseases have extirpated entire tree species or genera and fundamentally altered forests across broad regions. Examples cited are chestnut blight and emerald ash borer.

The USFS RPA report warns that pest-related mortality might be underreported in the South, masked by more intense management cycles and higher rates of tree growth and decay. On the other hand, the report asserts that pest-related mortality is probably overrepresented in the Northern Region in the 2002 – 2006 period because surveyors drew polygons to encompass large areas affected by EAB and balsam woolly adelgid (Adelges piceae) infestations. The latter puzzles me; I think it is probably an error, and should have referred to hemlock woolly adegid, A. tsugae. Documented mortality has generally been much more widespread from insects than diseases, e.g., bark beetles, including several native ones, across all regions and over time, especially in the West – where the most significant morality agents are several native beetles. The USFS RPA report mentions that the Northern Region has been particularly affected by non-native pests, including EAB, HWA, BWA, beech bark disease, and oak wilt. It mentions that Hawai`i has also suffered substantial impacts from rapid ʻōhiʻa death.  

Defoliating insects have affected relatively consistent area over time. This area usually equaled or exceeded the area affected by the mortality agents. Principal non-native defoliators in the Northern Region have been the spongy moth (Lymantria dispar); larch casebearer (Coleophora laricella); and winter moth (Operophtera brumata). In the South they list the spongy moth.

More disturbing to me is the USFS RPA report’s conclusion that the future impact of forest insects is highly uncertain. The authorsblame the complexity of interactions among changing climate, those changes’ effects on insect and tree species’ distributions, and overall forest health. Also, they name uncertainty about which new non-native species will be introduced to the United States. I appreciate the report’s avoidance of blanket statements regarding the effects of climate change. However, other studies – e.g., Poland et al. – have incorporated these complexities while still offering conclusions about a number of currently established non-native pests. Finally, I am particularly dismayed that the USFS RPA does not provide analysis of any forest pathogens beyond the single mention of a few.

I am confused as to why the USFS RPA report makes no mention of Project CAPTURE (Conservation Assessment and Prioritization of Forest Trees Under Risk of Extirpation). This is a multi-partner effort to prioritize U.S. tree species for conservation actions based on invasive pests’ threats and the trees’ ability to adapt to them. Several USFS units participated, including the Southern Research Station, the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center, and the Forest Health Protection program. The findings were published in 2019. See here. Lead scientist Kevin Potter was one of the authors of the RPA’s chapter on disturbance.

redbay (Persea borbonia) trees in Georgia killed by laurel wilt; photo by Scott Cameron. Redbay is ranked by Project CAPTURE as 5th most severely at risk due to a non-native pest

“Project CAPTURE” provided useful summaries of non-native pests’ impacts, including the facts that

  •  54% of the tree species on the continent are infested by one or more non-native insect or pathogen;
  • nearly 70% of the host/agent combinations involve angiosperm (broadleaf) species, 30% gymnosperms (e.g., conifers). When considering only non-native pests, pests attacking angiosperms had greater average severity.
  • Disease impacts are more severe, on average, than insect pests. Wood-borers are more damaging than other types of insect pests.
  • Non-native agents have, on average, considerably more severe impacts than native pests.

Project CAPTURE also ranked priority tree species based on the threat from non-native pests  (Potter et al., 2019). Tree families at the highest risk to non-native pests are: a) Fagaceae (oaks, tanoaks, chestnuts, beech), b) Sapindaceae (soapberry family; includes maples, Aesculus (buckeye, horsechestnut); c) in some cases, Pinaceae (pines); d) Salicaceae (willows, poplars, aspens); e) Ulmaceae (elms) and f) Oleaceae (includes Fraxinus). I believe this information should have been included in the Resources Planning Act report in order to insure that decision-makers consider these threats in guiding USFS programs.

I also wish the USFS RPA had at least prominently referred readers to Poland et al. Among that study’s key points are:

  • Invasive (non-native) insects and diseases can reduce productivity of desired species, interactions at other trophic levels, and watershed hydrology. They also impose enormously high management costs.
  • Some non-native pests potentially threaten the survival of entire tree genera, not just individual species, e.g., emerald ash borer and Dutch elm disease.  I add white pine blister rust and laurel wilt.
  • Emerald ash borer and hemlock woolly adelgid are listed as among the most significant threats to forests in the Eastern US.
  • White pine blister rust and hemlock woolly adelgid are described as so profoundly affecting ecosystem structure and function as to cause an irreversible change of ecological state.
  • Restoration of severely impacted forests requires first, controlling the non-native pest, then identifying and enriching – through selection and breeding – levels of genetic resistance in native populations of the impacted host tree. Programs of varying length and success target five-needle pines killed by Cronartium ribicola; Port-Orford cedar killed by the oomycete Phytophthora lateralis; chestnut blight; Dutch elm disease; butternut canker (causal agent Ophiognomonia clavigignenti juglandacearum), emerald ash borer; and hemlock woolly adelgid.
  • Climate change will almost certainly lead to changes in the distribution of invasive species, as their populations respond to increased variability and longer-term changes in temperature, moisture, and biotic interactions. Predicting how particular species will respond is difficult but essential to developing effective prevention, control, and restoration strategies.

Poland et al. summarizes major bioinvaders in several regions. Each region except Hawai`i (!!) includes tree-killing insects or pathogens.

It is easier to understand the RPA report’s not mentioning priority-setting efforts by two other entities, the Morton Arboretum and International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). These studies were published in 2021 and their lead entities were not the Forest Service – although the USFS helped to fund the U.S. portion of the studies.

The Morton Arboretum led in the analysis of U.S. tree species. It published studies evaluating the status of tree species belonging to nine genera, considering all threats. The Morton study ranked as of conservation concern one third of native pine species; 31% of native oak species; significant proportion of species in the Lauraceae. The report on American beech — the only North American species in the genus Fagus – made no mention of beech leaf disease – despite it being a major concern in Ohio – only two states away from the location of the Morton Arboretum near Chicago.

valley oak (Quercus lobata) in Alameda Co, California; photo by Belinda Lo via Flickr

Most of the species listed by the Morton Arboretum are of conservation concern because of their small populations and restricted ranges. The report’s coverage of native pests is inconsistent, spotty, and sometimes focuses on odd examples.

Tree Species’ Regeneration

Too late for consideration by the authors of the USFS RPA report come new studies by Potter and Riitters that evaluate species at risk due to poor regeneration. This effort evaluated 280 forest tree species native to the continental United States – two-thirds of the species evaluated in the Kevin Potter’s earlier analysis of pest impacts.

The results of Potter and Riitters 2023 only partially matched those of the IUCN/Morton studies. The Morton study did not mention three genera with the highest proportions of poorly reproducing species according to Potter and Riitters: Platanus, Nyssa, and Juniperus. Potter, Morton, and the IUCN largely agree on the proportion of Pinus species at risk. Potter et al. 2023 found about 11% of oak species to be reproducing poorly, while Morton designated a third of 91 oak species to be of conservation concern.

I believe Potter and Riitters and the Morton study agree that the Southeast and California are geographic hot spots of tree species at risk.

Potter and Riiters found that several species with wide distributions might be at risk because they are reproducing at inadequate rates. Three of these exhibit poor reproduction across their full range: Populus deltoids (eastern cottonwood), Platanus occidentalis (American sycamore), and ponderosa pine(Pinus ponderosa). Four more species are reported to exhibit poor reproduction rates in all seed zones in which they grow (the difference from the former group is not explained). These are two Juniperus, Pinus pungens, and Quercus lobata. As I point out in my earlier blog, valley oak is also under attack by the Mediterranean oak borer.


Fei, S., R.S. Morin, C.M. Oswalt, and A.M. 2019. Biomass losses resulting from insect and disease invasions in United States forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 116, No. 35. August 27, 2019.

Lugo, A.E., J.E. Smith, K.M. Potter, H. Marcano Vega, and C.M. Kurtz. 2022. The Contribution of Nonnative Tree Species to the Structure and Composition of Forests in the Conterminous United States in Comparison with Tropical Islands in the Pacific and Caribbean. USDA USFS General Technical Report IITF-54

Poland, T.M., T. Patel-Weynand, D.M. Finch, C.F. Miniat, D.C. Hayes, V.M. Lopez, eds. 2021. Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector. Springer Verlag. Available gratis at

Potter, K.M., M.E. Escanferla, R.M. Jetton, G. Man, and B.S. Crane. 2019. Prioritizing the conservation needs of United States tree species: Evaluating vulnerability to forest insect and disease threats. Global Ecology and Conservation.

Potter, K.M. and Riitters, K. 2023. A National Multi-Scale Assessment of Regeneration Deficit as an Indicator of Potential Risk of Forest Genetic Variation Loss. Forests 2022, 13, 19.

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. 2023. Future of America’s Forests and Rangelands: The Forest Service 2020 Resource Planning Act Assessment. GTR-WO-102 July 2023

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at


Invasing deer, earthworms, shrubs & more! Managing Forests with Many Risks

a West Virginia forest; photo by Jarek Tuszyński

The Eastern deciduous forest is large and important ecologically. The forest is important for biological diversity: it shelters many endangered species, especially plants, molluscs and fish, mammals, and reptiles. In addition, the majority of forest carbon stocks in the U.S. are those of the eastern states.

But the Eastern deciduous forest is also under many anthropogenic stresses – including high numbers of non-native insects and pathogens, Liebhold map high numbers of invasive plants, blog invasive earthworms, blog browsing by overabundant deer, and timber extraction. In the southern portions of the forest, human populations are expanding, resulting in landscape fragmentation (USDA FS 2023b RPA, full reference at end of this blog).

map showing number of non-native pests in each county, as of ~2010

Agency and academic scientists in the USDA Forest Service Eastern Region (Maine to Minnesota; Delaware to West Virginia, then north of the Ohio River to Missouri) are trying to understand how long-term, continuous stressors, like deer browsing and invasive plants and earthworms, – interact with short-term gap-forming events. They call the long-term stressors “press” disturbances to distinguish them from the short-term “pulse” disturbances (Reed, Bronson, et al.; full citation at end of this blog). Understanding the processes by which forests recover from disturbance is increasingly important. Climate change is expected to raise the frequency and intensity of catastrophic natural disturbances (Spicer and Reed, Royo et al.).

The scientists emphasize that the impacts of these stressors – and effective solutions — vary depending on context.

Invasive Earthworms

USDA APHIS is responsible for regulating introduction of new species. For earthworms, APHIS’ principal concern is clearly the possibility that imported worms or soil might transport pathogens. However, the agency’s website does mention worms’ ability to disrupt the soil and possibly cause undesirable impacts on plant growth and diversity. At the 2023 National Plant Board meeting in early August 2023, Gregg Goodman, Senior Agriculturalist in APHIS PPQ NPB website for agenda? discussed issues that he considers when evaluating whether to grant permits for importing earthworms. APHIS allows imports to be used for fish bait. Dr. Goodman explained that APHIS surveyed fishermen to determine where they dump unused bait. He found no damage to plants along streams, etc. where they are dumped. A state plant health official from a northern state and I objected that the ecosystem damage caused by earthworms is well documented and we doubted that dumping of bait is not a pathway for introducing worms into natural areas.

Reed, Bronson et al. found lower earthworm biomass and density in both deer exclosures and canopy gaps. They hypothesize that the new plant growth associated with canopy gaps attracts deer, resulting in increased browse pressure. That browse pressure then affects the plant community, succession and forest structure. The changed plant community affects soil properties that then affect soil-dwelling fauna like earthworms. They believe the higher worm densities in closed-canopy sites might be the result of nutrient-rich tree leaf litter which provides both shelter and food. Another factor might be lack of recent soil disturbances in closed canopy sites. 

While they say need more research is needed on the complex, combined effects of earthworms and deer, Reed, Bronson et al. still suggest that reducing deer populations or – where that is not possible – creating gaps might help manage earthworm invasions.

Deer Interactions

The long-term, chronic effect of excessive deer herbivory are well documented. See the many presentations at the recent Northern Hardwood research forum (USDA FS 2023b Proceedings). Most studies show that deer browsing overwhelms other disturbances, such as fire and canopy gaps that typically promote seedling diversity. However, recent results refine our understanding.

Samuel P. Reed and colleagues (Reed, Royo et al.) found that on the Allegheny Plateau of western Pennsylvania high deer densities at the time of stand initiation resulted in long-term reduced tree species diversity, density, and basal area. These responses were still detectable nearly four decades later. Stands are dominated by the unpalatable black cherry (Prunus serotina). The reduced stand density and the cherries’ narrower crowns lead to less above-ground biomass and reductions in above-ground carbon stocks. These scientists recommend that managers reduce deer populations to prevent changes in forest structure with probably long-term and important ramifications for many ecosystem functions.

Prunus serotina; photo by Awinch1001 via Flickr

Hovena et al. concurred with the importance of reducing deer densities, but suggested focussing on wet sites where, in their study, deer browsing had its greatest effects. On drier sites deer browsing had no effect on the diversity of woody plant seedlings.

Spicer et al. seek particularly to maintain a heterogeneous landscape to allow coexistence of both early- and late-successional species. In the Eastern Deciduous Forest biome, herbs, shrubs, and vines comprise 93% of the species richness of vascular plants

These authors found that the impact of deer browsing diverged depending on vegetation management actions. In wind-throw gaps where the plant community was retained, deer caused a 14% decline in shrub cover. In contrast, when scientists removed the extant vegetation at the beginning of recovery, deer exclusion caused a 67% increase in shrub cover. The authors speculate that vegetation removal stimulated abundant blackberry (Rubus species) regrowth. Where they had access (in gaps lacking exclosures), deer heavily browsed young Rubus stalks that sprouted after the competing vegetation was cut down. However, when the pre-established vegetation was not removed, older Rubus thickets might have protected other herbs and shrubs from browsing. Spicer et al. did not observe any major shifts in browse-tolerant species in deer-exclusion plots.

Invasive Shrubs

Hovena et al. found that in drier forest plots, the presence of non-native shrubs reduced native seedling abundance, richness, and diversity. Instead there were more seedlings of introduced species, including Lonicera maackii, L. morrowii, Ligustrum sp., and Rosa multiflora. They are concerned that replacement by invasive honeysuckles might be particularly strong in gaps resulting from death of ash trees caused by emerald ash borer. Woodlands could become dominated introduced shrubs, reducing diversity. Consequently, they recommend removing non-native shrubs in drier forests to promote seedling numbers and diversity.

In contrast, in wetter forests basal area of non-native shrubs did not affect introduced seedling abundance. However, the shrubs’ size did promote greater proportions of Lonicera maackii and Ligustrum seedlings. They suggest this might be the outcome of either abundant seed sources or allelopathic properties of some invasive shrubs e.g., L. maackii. In such sites, seedling diversity is already limited to plants that tolerate waterlogging. A hopeful note is that one native shrub, Lindera benzoin, seems able to prevent establishment of L. maackii.

Lonicera maackii; photo by pverdonk via Flickr

Hovena et al. do worry that death of ash trees might lead to declining transpiration rates, raising water tables, and further reducing seedling species richness and diversity.

Impact of Salvage Logging and Vegetation Removal

Spicer et al. studied how anthropogenic stressors affect succession. These scientists took advantage of tornado-caused gaps to compare interactions with deer browsing, salvage logging, and mechanical removal of the understory.

Contrary to expectations, none of these anthropogenic disturbances delayed community recovery or reduced diversity in comparison to the natural disturbance (tornado blowdown). Instead, adding either salvage logging or mechanical removal of understory vegetation substantially enhanced herbaceous species richness and shrub cover.

However, each major plant growth form responded differently. First, none of the manipulations affected species diversity or abundance of tree seedlings and saplings. Second, salvage logging in the wind-throw gaps increased species richness of herbs by 30%. Shrub abundance was doubled and cover almost tripled, but species richness did not change. Third, removing competing understory vegetation caused an increase of 23% in mean herbaceous cover. I have already discussed the impact of excluding deer.

Spicer et al. greet these increases in species richness with enthusiasm; they recommend managing to create a patchwork of combined natural and anthropogenic disturbances to promote plant diversity. However, I have some questions about which species are being promoted.

This study identified a total of 264 vascular plant species: 40 trees, 190 herbs, 15 shrubs, 17 vines, and 2 of unknown growth form. Only about half of these, 123 species, grew in portions of the mature forest not affected by either the tornado or one of the anthropogenic manipulations.

Gaps contained more plant species – as is to be expected. Natural blowdown areas where no manipulation was carried out had 49 more species than the undisturbed forest community (172 species). Blowdown sites subjected to salvage logging added another 53 species for a total of 225 species, or 102 more than the undisturbed reference forest.

A total of 17 species occurred only once in the authors’ data [= unique species]. Eight of these species grew only in the undisturbed forest. Two grew only in the tornado-impacted plots. Spicer et al. do not elaborate on whether these species are officially rare in that part of Pennsylvania – although it seems they might be. I wish Spicer et al. had addressed whether these possibly rare species might be affected by the forest management they recommend, i.e., intentionally creating a patchwork of various disturbances.  An additional seven unique species were found in plots that had been subjected to an anthropogenic disturbance — either salvage logging or removal of remnant vegetation.

nodding trillium (Trillium cernuum); imperiled by restricted range or low populations; photo by Jason Ryndock, Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program

In tornado-disturbed sites, one native species associated with areas where vegetation was left intact is one of the gorgeous wildflowers of eastern deciduous forests: a Trillium (species not indicated). The one native plant associated with plots from which vegetation was removed was a grass (unspecified).

Spicer et al. report that the proportion of the flora composed of non-native species was very similar between the salvage-logged area (7%) and the undisturbed reference forest (5%). Half of the non-native plant species (3.5% or 9 species) are listed as invasive in Pennsylvania (the article does not list them).

Spicer et al. say these non-native species are relatively uncommon and that they pose a minimal threat. They do concede that the invasive thorny shrub barberry (Berberis thunbergii) was more common in disturbed than intact areas. [I saw plenty of barberry along forest edges in Cook State Forest, which is only 100 miles away from the study site.] I think Spicer and others are too blasé since invasive plant populations can build up quickly when seed sources are present.

Spicer et al. raise two caveats. First, their results regarding the beneficial effects of salvage logging and vegetation manipulation probably will not apply to situations in which vast areas are logged.

More pertinent to us, they warn that their results would also not apply to forest areas in which propagules have been drastically depleted. This can result from previous human land-use or repeated catastrophic disturbances, such as canopy fires. Nor would their results apply to forests that are more threatened by invasive species. They note that a widespread and dense understory of multiple non-native species can create invasional meltdowns, resulting in a lasting depauperate state. This is especially the case when invaders at higher trophic levels, such as earthworms, are part of the mix.

Other Lessons

Reed, Bronson et al. conclude that forest canopies’ responses to disturbance are too variable to be measured by a single method. Evaluating proposals for management will require multiple measures. The overwhelming recommendation of presenters at the recent northern hardwoods research symposium (USDA FS 2023a Proceedings) was to adapt more flexible management strategies to promote forest sustainability and species diversity.

Hovena et al.’s principal finding is that interactions among site wetness, non-native shrubs and the total basal area of trees in the stand had the largest impacts on the species composition of seedlings. In Ohio, site wetness and chronic stressors like deer and introduced shrubs are acting together to shift seedling communities towards fewer native species. Of these three long-term “press” stresses, the interaction between introduced shrubs and soil wetness overshadowed even the impact of deer herbivory on seedling species richness and abundance. Surprisingly, site-specific characteristics – e.g., wetness, canopy tree competition, deer herbivory and introduced shrubs – were more influential than ash mortality in shaping woody seedling communities.


Hoven, B.M., K.S. Knight, V.E. Peters, D.L. Gorchov. 2022. Woody seedling community responses to deer herbivory, introduced shrubs, and ash mortality depend on canopy competition and site wetness. Forest Ecology and Management 523 (2022) 120488

Reed, S.P., D.R. Bronson, J.A. Forrester, L.M. Prudent, A.M. Yang, A.M. Yantes, P.B. Reich, and L.E. Frelich. 2023. Linked disturbance in the temperate forest: Earthworms, deer, and canopy gaps. Ecology. 2023;104:e4040.

Reed, S.P, A.A. Royo, A.T. Fotis, K.S. Knight, C.E. Flower, and P.S. Curtis. 2022. The long-term impacts of deer herbivory in determining temperate forest stand and canopy structural complexity. Journal of Applied Ecology.  2022; 59:812-821

Spicer, M.E., A.A. Royo, J.W. Wenzel, and W.P. Carson. 2023. Understory plant growth forms respond independently to combined natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Forest Ecology and Management 543 (2023) 12077

United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. 2023a. Proceedings of the First Biennial Northern Hardwood Conference 2021: Bridging Science and Management for the Future. Northern Research Station General Technical Report NRS-P-211 May 2023

United States Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. 2023b. Future of America’s Forests and Rangelands. Forest Service 2020 Resources Planning Act Assessment. GTR-WO-102. July 2023

Posted by Faith Campbell

We welcome comments that supplement or correct factual information, suggest new approaches, or promote thoughtful consideration. We post comments that disagree with us — but not those we judge to be not civil or inflammatory.

For a detailed discussion of the policies and practices that have allowed these pests to enter and spread – and that do not promote effective restoration strategies – review the Fading Forests report at
